Welcome to the Speaker Promotion Center
I am so thrilled to have you as a part of this truly remarkable retreat panel! Below you will find all the promotional material and swipe copy that you will need to let your community know about the retreat.
Promotional Period:
The pre-show promo dates are March 20th – April 4th, 2019. All solo emails need to be sent during this period. Our goal as a group is to attract the largest audience we can to hear these amazing interviews, experience profound healing for themselves, and step into a place of empowerment around their health and well being! Social posts can also be during this period and throughout the show dates, which are April 5th – 25th, 2018.
For support, or questions please reach out at INFO@CHLOEFAITHURBAN.COM.
Thanks so much for being a part of this journey!
– Chloe

Gabrielli LaChiara | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/gabrielli |
Roy Nelson | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/triciaroy |
Dr. Sue Morter | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/suem |
Peter Levine | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/peterl |
Dr. Thema Bryant-Davis | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/themabd |
itzhak beery | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/itzhakb |
Susun Weed | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/susunw |
Debora Wayne | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/deboraw |
Susan Jenkins | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/susanj |
Dick Shwartz | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/richards |
Ester Nicholson | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/estern |
Kimberly Spair | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/kimberlys |
Steven Farmer | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/stevenf |
Amara Pagano | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/amarap |
Dr. Meg Haworth | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/megh |
Joshua Bloom | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/joshuab |
Carol Look | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/carollook |
Tricia Greaves | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/triciaroy |
Debra Silverman | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/debras |
Bernadette Pleasant | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/bpleasant |
Dianne Porchia | https://thecure.chloefaithurban.com/dp |

(Square for Instagram, Rectangle for FB, and a bunch of other social media images at the bottom to choose from.)
(Right Click and click “Save Image” to download)


Speaker Solo Email - Option 1
Subject: How to find the power to heal within you. OR Get your health, joy, and vitality back. OR Chronic pain? Autoimmune Disease? Trauma? OR Discover the link between trauma and chronic health issues.
Dear (Name),
How do you find the keys to healing, and health, inside of you? While it’s tempting to think that the answers are outside of you, the truth is that you contain a powerful inner source of well-being.
Once you learn how to tap into that inner guidance system, the part of you that knows exactly what “healthy” looks like and feels like, then you can shift yourself towards your natural, vibrant, healthy self – and away from patterns of chronic illness and emotional and physical pain of all kinds.
Recently I was interviewed by my friend and colleague, healer Chloe Urban, for her 21-day online retreat, called You Are The Cure – A spiritual journey to overcome your trauma, heal your pain and embody your essence [USE YOUR LINK FOR THAT TEXT]. Our conversation was fantastic, and I think you will get so much out of it! Along with the interview, I also offer a guided experience that will help you connect deeply inward to yourself, where all healing is possible.
That’s why she’s calling it an “online retreat” – because each guest offering will give you a [deep experience to transform any stuck energy or trauma so that you can access the incredible healing resource within you.] (USE YOUR LINK FOR THE BRACKETED TEXT).
Along with myself, Chloe has gathered over 20 of the world’s foremost experts on the connection between trauma, physical health, and emotional well-being.
Body, mind, heart, spirit – all are represented here.
This event is designed to change your experience. Your experience of yourself, of the world, and of whatever health struggles you might be having – so that you can actually feel your potency and find “the cure” within you.
And did I mention that the “You Are The Cure” online retreat is FREE?
Click here to sign up for a spiritual journey to unlock the healing potential within you:
I’m so excited to be a part of this powerful event. Please join us for this “virtual retreat” – so that you can experience it for yourself.
[Your sign off]
Here’s that link again. >> your affiliate link >>
Speaker Solo Email - Option 2
Subject: Get your health, joy, and vitality back. OR Chronic pain? Autoimmune Disease? Trauma? OR Discover the link between trauma and chronic health issues.
Dear (Name),
Have you ever wondered why some people seem to be healthy all the time, and others (maybe you) struggle with physical and/or emotional pain that you just can’t seem to overcome?
Each one of us is so unique, living a different journey of life than anyone else. The research shows that the experiences and traumas we’ve been through in our lives greatly impact our health and wellbeing, and this can be why some people seem to have more health challenges than others.
If you are struggling with chronic illness, pain, depression, anxiety, autoimmune disease, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, cancer, diabetes, PTSD, and any other physical or emotional pain – than I have an exciting opportunity for you!
Recently, I had the privilege to speak with friend and colleague, Chloe Urban, for her upcoming online retreat called You Are the Cure – A spiritual journey to overcome your trauma, heal your pain, and embody your essence [USE YOUR LINK FOR THAT TEXT] launching April 5th!
[In our conversation, we covered some of the unique ways that I have helped to connect my clients with their inner healing potential – and I also led a guided experience so that you can experience that inner potency first-hand.] That’s why this event is called a retreat – because not only will there be helpful and inspiring interviews, but each guest will be creating an experience for you that will bring you opportunities to heal each day of the event.
Chloe Urban is a healer who blends neuroscience, energy medicine, and shamanism to create profound shifts in consciousness, health, and well-being for her clients. Seeing the pervasiveness of chronic physical and emotional pain in her clients, she was inspired to bring together 20+ world-renowned teachers, healers, authors, and leaders, including yours truly, to dive deep into healing on all levels – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.
Are you ready to begin a journey to help you overcome your trauma, clear what’s blocking you from accessing the healing potential that’s within you, and embody your divine essence that makes all healing possible?
If so, all you have to to do is [YOUR UNIQUE LINK] CLICK HERE [YOUR UNIQUE LINK] to register and you’ll receive all the interviews for FREE starting April 5th.
[Your sign off]
Here’s that link again. >> your affiliate link >>
Newsletter Blurb
Join me and host Chloe Urban, certified Infinity practitioner and shamanic healer, for an online retreat that could change your experience of physical and emotional pain forever! It's called [your unique link]You Are the Cure – A spiritual journey to overcome your trauma, heal your pain, and embody your essence [your unique link]. Along with 20+ other teachers, trauma experts, healers and authors, I share keys to overcoming your trauma, healing any physical and/or emotional pain you may be experiencing, and connecting deeply inward to access the healing potential that's already there.
If you are struggling with chronic illness, pain, depression, anxiety,autoimmune disease, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, digestive issues, chronic fatigue, cancer, diabetes, PTSD, and any other physical or emotional pain – this event is for you!
[In our conversation, we covered some of the unique ways that I have helped to connect my clients with their inner healing potential – and I also led a guided experience so that you can experience that inner potency first-hand.] That’s why this event is called a retreat – because not only will there be helpful and inspiring interviews, but each guest will be creating an experience for you that will bring you opportunities to heal each day of the event.
It all begins April 5th and did I mention that the “You Are The Cure” online retreat is FREE?
Click here to sign up for a spiritual journey to unlock the healing potential within you:
Social Copy: Facebook
Are you ready to finally overcome your trauma and heal your chronic physical and emotional pain? Check out my interview and [guided meditation] with friend and colleague, Chloe Urban, on her 21-Day online retreat called You Are the Cure – a spiritual journey to overcome your trauma, heal your pain, and embody your essence. She has gathered an unprecedented panel of trauma experts, healers, and visionaries to share with you incredible tools to discover the cure that’s within you. During this event we explore the connection between trauma and pain, and dive deep into healing on all levels. You will discover practical and spiritual tools to help you heal from chronic pain and illness, depression, anxiety, lyme, autoimmune disease, and other physical and emotional pains.
[your unique link]
Social Copy: Instagram
Check out my interview and [guided meditation] with healer @chloefaithurban on her online retreat You Are the Cure – a spiritual journey to overcome your trauma, heal your pain, and embody your essence.
This event is designed to change your experience. Your experience of yourself, of whatever health struggles you might be having, and of the world – so that you can actually feel your potency and find “the cure” within you.
And did I mention that the “You Are The Cure” online retreat is FREE?
[your unique link]
#youarethecure #healing #traumarecovery #trauma #consciousness #autoimmunedisease #shamanism #heal #energyhealing #spiritual #spiritualhealing #neuroscience #chronicillness #chronicpain #depression #anxiety #inspiration #wisdom #healer #spiritualretreat #selflove #visionary #epigenetics #somatic #healthy #eathealthy #herbalism #divine #personalgrowth #lymedisease
Social Copy: Twitter
Check out my interview and [guided meditation] with #healer Chloe Urban on her online retreat You Are the Cure – a #SpiritualJourney to #overcome your #trauma, #heal your #pain, and #embody your #essence. #chronicillness [your unique link]