with Roy Nelson

Roy nelson
Roy is known as “the last resort” for those who cannot stop their self-destructive habits. Over forty years ago Roy “cracked the code” of his own addictive personality. As a result, he lost 120 pounds and overcome a myriad of addictions, as well as depression, panic attacks, and phobias. Based on his personal experience of total freedom, Roy developed The Nelson Method—28 Days to Freedom: a plan of spiritual healing that is designed to help people heal from their own personal hell, even when all other approaches have failed. To learn more visit www.RoyNelsonHealing.com

Meet your host Chloe Urban
Chloe takes a unique approach to healing, one that honors all aspects of what it means to be alive in human form. Through deep intuition and internal knowing, as well as the use of kinesiology, she guides people through a journey to access the healing that’s already present within them.
Through shamanic practices, energy medicine, neuroscience, and primal brain clearings, she helps you activate your innate capacity to heal- Physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally, energetically, and genetically.
Chloe is a certified Infinity Practitioner and has practiced shamanism for 27 years. She works one on one with clients at her home office in Maine, and by distance all over the world. She also offers retreats, group programs, and online courses.
CLICK HERE to learn more about Chloe and her work.